We've been vaguely talking about having working bees at each other's houses (or rather, in each other's gardens) for a while now, and Lou and Jason (being the efficient and organised people that they are) decided to actually get one happening today.
Quite a few of us turned up at L&J's this morning (plus Jason's mum and dad), and we got so much done! It was heaps of fun - it's nice working on a project with a whole bunch of your friends. Lou project-managed and made us all a fabulous lunch, and we all got stuck in and did whichever part of the garden project appealed to us.
I was feeling in quite a "listening" frame of mind, and I really enjoyed quietly sitting in my corner of the garden, clearing weeds, and listening to everyone chatting away while they worked. Found a very cool stick insect on my hat, really hurt my back - it's agony now - I can't find any sitting position that's remotely comfortable - and had a lovely time! Here are all the pictures...
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Technorati tags: gardening, working bee, friends, New Zealand.
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
Yaay for the working bee!
Briget hiding in the bushes at the start of the day
Jason and the pile of bricks - start of the day
Lou - ready for anything!
Half-finished path, first thing this morning
Jason & John putting in the posts for the raised bed
Checking the levels
Kurt laying the path
Bruce fixing the fence
Steve & Gabby doing a bit of weeding
Finishing off the first level of planks on the raised bed
Kurt with his completed pathway
Kurt "practising" with Otis
Bronja, Gabby, Otis and Steve
My stick insect!
Finishing off the second level of the raised bed
The completed raised bed
Laying bricks and sand around the raised bed
Jason smoothing out the sand
Hmmm - Briget's either tired, thirsty, or she just ate a bee...
Jason & Bruce finishing off the bricks
Kurt - he-man!
Lou taking a break
My completed corner of the garden - look - no weeds!
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9:44 pm
Labels: gardening, my life, nature, New Zealand
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